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Pärnu Beach Stadium wins the Union of Estonian Architects annual award

The annual award from the Union of Estonian Architects, handed out in conjunction with Merko Ehitus, went to Pärnu Beach Stadium. The project was designed by Jan Skolimowski and Peeter Loo (KAMP Arhitektid), with Anton Andres contributing. The decision to award the annual prize was made by the independent acclaimed Spanish architect Fuensanta Nieto.

“The strength of the Pärnu Beach Stadium is a clear and powerful form where architecture and the structure make up an integral whole. This is architecture where aesthetic grows directly out of the function,” said Katrin Koov, President of the Union of Estonian Architects. “The building communicates actively with an environment with a diverse appearance – on one side, the overhanging roof dominates and on the other side it’s framed by the more modest façade of the beach park. I imagine it was hard to make the decision because the finalists were all about equal in quality, each one in their own category.”

The Estonian Union of Architects annual prize was handed out for the second time this year. The aim of the prize to highlight and recognize one outstanding work of architecture and the architect responsible for it. The Union of Estonian Architects
(EAL, is an organization uniting architects, landscape architects and architecture historians and theorists.