New Merko scholarship recipients

We welcome Simo Ilomets, a researcher at the Faculty of Engineering of Tallinn University of Technology, and Karl Treial, a student in building design and construction management, to the Merko family of scholarship recipients. In cooperation with the TalTech Development Fund, we have been awarding Merko scholarships since 2007. We want the student of today ...

Construction of a Prisma is underway in Tiskre

On 14 December, we entered into an agreement with Tiskre Arendus OÜ for the construction of a new commercial building near Tabasalu. Within the framework of the agreement, a one-storey commercial and service building will be built on the Liiva tee 61 property, located along Rannamõisa tee, in Harku Rural Municipality, and the necessary infrastructure ...

Recognition for Uus-Veerenni

The Estonian Cultural Endowment’s Architectural Endowment and the creative unions of the Estonian Association of Architects, the Estonian Association of Interior Architects and the Estonian Landscape Architects’ Union, presented this year’s architecture awards on 9 December 2020, recognizing the most outstanding achievements, works and authors of Estonian architecture in the past year. We are very ...

Title of Young Civil Engineer of the Year goes to Merko

On 25 November, the construction sector’s best were recognised at the profession’s annual conference at the Creative Hub in Tallinn. The title of Young Civil Engineer of the Year was awarded to Alan Väli, building information modelling (BIM) manager at Merko Ehitus Eesti general construction division. Alan started working for Merko many years ago as ...

Sale of final apartments in the Pikaliiva Residential Block has begun

During the last phase of construction of the Pikaliiva development project, a total of 66 well-planned homes will be completed in the Äkke 5 and Äkke 7 buildings by the end of 2021. The Pikaliiva Residential Block, located near Lake Harku, in the Haabersti City District of Tallinn, has developed into a comfortable and well-functioning ...

New apartments in Tartu – Erminurme

We launched a new apartment development project located on the border of Tartu Rural Municipality and the City of Tartu. Work on the construction and sale of the first apartments in Erminurme has begun. Erminurme’s homes will be located near Raadi Manor and the Estonian National Museum, which is considered to be the largest and ...

Merko is the most reputable real estate developer

Kantar Emor’s annual survey of real estate brands revealed that Merko continues to be the most reputable real estate developer in Estonia. Merko was also recognised as the best-known and most reputable real estate developer in Estonia in the 2019 survey. According to the results of a survey conducted by Kantar Emor in September, the ...

Reconstruction of Aia Street to begin in Kuressaare

On 22 October, we entered into an agreement with Saaremaa Rural Municipality Government and AS Kuressaare Veevärk for the renovation of Aia Street in Kuressaare. Under the agreement, the existing Aia Street will be extended to Lootsi Street. A sidewalk, street lighting, stormwater drainage and a bridge over the Tori River will be built on the ...

We launched the second stage of the Lahekalda Development Area

The first apartment buildings in the Lahekalda Residential Block have been completed and residents are already moving in. During the second phase of the development area’s construction, two buildings with a total of 96 apartments will be completed at the end of 2021. The Lahekalda Residential Block is located on Maarjamäe Ridge, at the border ...

The title of Electrical Power Engineer of the Year goes to Merko

On 15 October, the Estonian Society for Electrical Power Engineering announced the best in the field last year. The title of Electrical Power Engineer of the Year was awarded to Steve Sulev, project manager at Merko’s electricity division, who was recognised for the successful planning and construction management of several important objects. In recent years, ...