New Merko scholarship recipients
We welcome Simo Ilomets, a researcher at the Faculty of Engineering of Tallinn University of Technology, and Karl Treial, a student in building design and construction management, to the Merko family of scholarship recipients.
In cooperation with the TalTech Development Fund, we have been awarding Merko scholarships since 2007. We want the student of today to grow into the worthy engineer of tomorrow, with whom great things can be accomplished. We want the best colleagues for ourselves, our partners and subcontractors, because the stronger Estonian engineering is as a whole, the better our work will be.
In the case of Simo Ilomets, a researcher in the Faculty of Engineering – winner of the Merko Young Teacher and Researcher 2020 Scholarship – we highly appreciate his contribution to the development of modern and innovative building physics. Simo brings together the wisdom of the best specialists in Europe, conducts important research, trains Estonian civil engineers, and consults on many projects.
Simo’s true vocation is to lead the development of the field of construction physics in the teaching and research work of Tallinn University of Technology. Merko is very pleased and honoured to support Simo’s efforts.
This year, we presented an engineering scholarship to Karl Treial, a third-year student in building design and construction management, and a trainee at our construction site in Lahekalda, who is a real engineer – he thinks about the task first and only then does he take action. Karl is a conscientious, curious and eager young person. He understands perfectly that additional questions and taking responsibility are what brings extra wisdom.
Karl has a commitment to the field of construction and a clear vision for his studies and where his schooling will eventually take him. A positive attitude, good communication, quick adjustment and the ability to find a solution to every problem – it also exists in Karl and that is exactly what we value at Merko.
Simo Ilomets Karl Treial
The engineering scholarship of the Faculty of Civil Engineering is intended for a successful third, fourth or fifth year student. Researchers or lecturers from Tallinn University of Technology who are up to 40-years old and hold a doctoral degree in construction can apply for the young researcher and lecturer scholarship.