Merko receives most attractive employer title
The Instar employer branding agency conducted the annual job expectations and employer reputation survey, rating the attractiveness of 254 Estonian organizations as an employer. Both technology students and all students overall see Merko as the most attractive employer in the construction and real estate development sector.
The 7,000 respondents included experienced employees and students at the vocational, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral level at 45 Estonian institutions of higher and vocational education.
The technology students rated Merko as the second-most desirable place to work, after Eesti Energia. Comparing companies in the construction and real estate development sector, we were the top preference for students in technology fields and overall – we placed 42nd in the latter.
We’d like to thank the whole Merko team who got us to this point!
Instar has been mapping employer preferences among Estonians since 2010. Merko has stood out as an employer among construction companies in all years of the survey. In the tech student rankings, compiled since 2017, we have consistently remained in the vanguard.