Merko tops construction companies rankings
Merko Ehitus Eesti crowns the Äripäev business daily’s rankings of the top 100 construction companies in 2024.
To compile the rankings, Äripäev pulled data for the companies with the highest turnover based on their results for the previous year as recorded in the Commercial Register.
The CEO of Merko Ehitus Eesti, Jaan Mäe, said that the results for the 2023 financial year marked the end of one economic cycle. “Today’s real estate market is running at a lower ebb, which has also led Merko to shift its focus from housing development to general and infrastructure construction projects. We don’t currently see reason to expect results comparable to the previous year’s in the real estate business any time soon,” admitted Mäe.
Companies were ranked by Äripäev according to six indicators: 2023 revenue, revenue growth compared to 2022, pre-tax profit for 2023, profit growth compared to 2022, cost-effectiveness in 2023 and value-added per employee for 2022. Each position in the six rankings yielded a corresponding number of points, the six scores were added and the company with the lowest value was the winner.

Marek Hergauk, director of Merko Ehitus Eesti general construction division after receiving the honour